Working To Enhance and Sustain Healthy Communities
Formed in 2017, the D. Gaines Lanier Family Foundation, Inc. partners with existing foundations to simulate and support long-lasting and sustainable efforts that contribute to the vitality and economic growth in the community.
To accomplish this mission, the Foundation invests in impactful and strong community-based organizations that promote and educate economic independence or positively contribute to the quality of life for individuals, families, and the community at large.
​The Foundation is selective in grant decisions and prefers to provide support for a smaller number of impactful and sustaining projects rather than to fund numerous smaller grants. We prefer grants conditioned on the organization completing funding for a project or campaign goal with other gifts and pledges. Most grants are awarded for programming and capital purposes within the areas of education, youth development, human services, educational institutions and Christian-based organizations operating in our service area.
"Great things are done by a series of small things brought together"
Vincent van Gogh
Recognizing the enormity of the challenges our society faces, D. Gaines Lanier Family Foundation, Inc. seeks to make a lasting impact through the campaigns and programs of other non-profit organizations.
Our efforts are driven by our organization’s Priority Areas of Focus: Community Enhancement, Education, and Health Resources.
The Foundation seeks to develop partnerships with organizations responding to the local needs where its members reside.
Currently, we are only funding programs in East Alabama, West Georgia, and Northwest Georgia.


With this initiative, our goal is to promote opportunities for those in need. With access to the right resources, people can become empowered by their own abilities and gain the confidence to fulfill their potential. The Foundation supports programs that provide for basic human needs and promote the development of life skills in an effort to improve the quality of life for individuals, families, and the community. We feel quality of life can also be improved with the stimulation of business growth and entrepreneurship within our communities. By supporting programs that offer an effective approach to job training, readiness, placement, and the development of leaders who have the vision and capacity, the Foundation is able to combat employment barriers and encourage the growth of entrepreneurship.
​Wrap around social services and local economic revitalization are necessary components for breaking the cycle of poverty and creating thriving communities.
We believe quality education provides the basis for individual opportunity and economic vitality. We support accredited and Christian-based institutions emphasizing Christian life on campus as well as the intellectual performance of students. We know that colleges and universities are economic drivers in the community and in addition, they offer important resources to us in achieving our philanthropic goals.  Grants to universities will be primarily initiated by the Foundation and focused on these partnerships. Readiness for higher learning and employment comes from quality and readily available pre-school through High School education. The Foundation seeks to improve the quality of life within our service area by supporting local educational opportunities that nurture opportunity, enrichment, and achievement.

We are dedicated to supporting local healthcare services and efforts that focus on health and wellness for the disadvantaged and the community at large. Solving health care challenges is by no means an easy feat, but through cooperation and community empowerment we are striving to make a difference.
Currently, the Foundation does not seek unsolicited grants. However, if you feel your organization fits within our giving and service area guidelines, you may send a general inquiry to our email address. If the Foundation feels the request is within its mission and values, a Letter of Request may be sent to the potential applicant. Please understand that while all inquiries will be read, they may not generate a response or an invitation to apply for funding. Only emailed proposals will be accepted.
The Foundation’s Board reviews the Letter of Requests and Requested Proposals twice a year. Grantees are asked not to apply for new grants until current grants are closed. We conduct our business without publicity and grants are awarded without public announcement.
We Do Not Fund: individuals, individual scholarships, sponsorships for fundraising events, organizations outside of Alabama and Georgia, sports booster clubs, legislative lobbying or other political purposes, to retire accumulated debt, organizations that do not have 501(c)(3) status, or other requests not in line with our mission.